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If a man divorces his wife three times at the same time, and in a state of grief, and when he utters the word divorce he is not guilty of adultery.
What is the verdict?
First of all, whoever divorces his wife in anger and whoever divorces his wife even if she is not there. She was released. Therefore, a divorced woman may be sent home. Even if you are not in front of her. A woman can also be called on the phone or sent a text massage to ensure her release. This did not prevent her from being released. Sabida was not released in her presence. Asalima on Phone Called Or Sent Text Message.
In other words, it is not said that you should divorce a woman in front of her and divorce her.
However, whoever divorces his wife three times in one word. She was not released. For reasons like this.
. The first is. According to Allah the Exalted, "ADDALAQU MARRATAAN". Meaning Divorce is Single. Therefore, it is not possible for you to divorce a woman with three divorces in one word and say 'yes' in three. Because this is an opportunity that God has given to couples who can return after their divorce, until this divorce is completed in triplicate.
So, if you say this three-part release One time is possible. Well, block the couple that opportunity that God has given them. That which is as Mercy is associated with them.
. The Second Reason Is. There is a Mind of Teachings and Minds to God that makes it easier to understand. For example, when a person is told to Recite to Us SUBHANALLAH Three Times. He said SUBHANALLAH Three. You see, he did not do it three times. Once done. He had to say SUBHANALLAH SUBHANALLAH SUBHANALLAH. Then he did it three times. That's right- Kenan.
Sabida Haka Kenan. And if you mean a woman divorces you three times verbally If you say I AM AGAIN! I'M AGAIN !! I'M AGAIN !!! This is also Once. For him this first Furuchin is considered as Divorce. So when you confess that I am you. Then let it be under your control. She became not a Widow. From That Time She Became Not Your Wife. Until you make her your wife. This is where you have the power to release it a second time. Then we say Divorce is twofold. And so on until the Third Depression. Meaning however. This is a God-given opportunity. I'm able to get it back if you release it before it becomes Three.
.The Third Statement Is. There is an authentic hadith narrated by Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud or one of the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) that if a man divorces a woman three times in one word. This release was the same in the time of Prophet Mohammad (SAS). The same was true during the caliphate of Abubakar, when God took his life. The second year of the Caliphate of Umar was the same. That is, if you divorce your wife, you can divorce her three times in one word. Your Wife Will Be Returned You Will Be Released In One Divorce. It was not until two years later that the caliphate of Sayyadina Umar was released. Umar Radiyallahu Anhu said, "Whoever divorces his wife divorces three in one word." We passed him three. It was said that in his time, because of grief and playfulness, a man said to his wife, "I have divorced you a hundred times. This is where Sayyadina Umar controlled my divorce of his time. Therefore, Umar did this ijtihad because Blocking a Blessing that the People of His Age Want to Enter , they are judging by what the Prophet has decreed, and we are still on it.
God is Aware.