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Assalamu alaikum mlan ena yini dftn dayi lpy son of God mlan ena I have a question or a suggestion my husband we are studying does not take care of my marital affairs but he keeps his house there is no hunger no jealousy when I talk to him about it a woman needs care from her husband He said, "Yes, I am. He is violating my rights because we have been married for four or five months now. I have been married to him and I have been obedient to God. If I lose my life, I will lose some of it.
When he goes out, he does not look at the house until the evening, and then he goes to the door of his house to fetch the morning breakfast, and after the evening he goes to wash his eyes again. You go to sleep, but in the morning you wake up feeling really bad.
wlh in this statement nfda truth.
The first thing is that every man has his own upbringing. By his nature. Just like every woman has her own upbringing and her own nature. He is your Husband for the sake of Nature.
But I know. A Woman Changes a Man's Nature. Through Wisdom and Attraction and Persuasion.
So, stop and look. No wonder there is something missing in your Care. If not here's a new product just for you! Come home and eat, and cook for him on time. You make it sweet.
If he leaves his market. Make an excuse that could distract him from going out. Kiyi Kwalliya kiyi Ado. Kill the Good stuff. Those Who Will Squeeze Your Body. He saw you and knew a woman he saw in his house and not a man.
You know all the tricks and attractions I don't have to teach you.
This way you will get the most out of your time and energy.
So do not hope to end your marriage. By God, she would have a husband like you. Then she prostrated herself before God. She thanked him for giving her a black husband. Sabida is not a Good Man. He has no job but to drink and look for women and so on.
So keep your home safe.
By Men. It is not possible for a man to abstain from his wife for 120 or 150 days, that is, four or five months without having intercourse with her. That There Is A Will. What do you think of the desire God created for her?
This is a very dangerous thing for the life of a married woman. So in such an age it is only a matter of time. Adultery is widespread. Whose Gold Does Not Stop For Girls Or Widows. Even for some married women. Consequences of Lack of Care from Their Husbands. Or the Lover of the World.
In our day and age, a man is either working in his hometown or not in his hometown. He must often go to his wife. To Pay for Her Needs. Do Not Let Satan Deliver You.
In such an age. You see him caught having sex with his mother. So I see a Wife Who Is Not Getting Care Again?
The creation of a woman's desire, not that of a man. Women Are More Powerful Than Men. That is why God says that if a woman treats her husband unjustly, he should avoid her home. Because of this, her husband also boycotted her. It is a discipline for her. And most of the jealousy that women have towards their husbands, then almost this jealousy, does not go beyond just two things. Either This Husband Is Rich, Or This Husband Can Satisfy His Family Properly From The Face Of Marriage.
If you are rich. A woman is very jealous of her and her siblings. In the same way, just as she does not want the moon to come in, when she dies she enters the Inheritance of what she left behind. This will make her very jealous of him.
Or maybe this guy has a lot of passion. So he can satisfy a woman as much as she wants. This will make the wife of this man, if he remarries, she will arouse jealousy, so that no woman will get what she has for her family.
from Him for the Satisfaction of Marriage.
By the way, this is mostly jealousy of women.
But if a man has no money, then he can not satisfy his family. There is no way a woman can live under him.
Only some women live under a man, if they know he has money. In the same way, a woman can be submissive to a man, if she knows he has the ability to satisfy her desires. Even if he has no money.
The one who is under the control of a man who has money and cannot satisfy his family, is more dangerous than the one who is under the control of a man who has no money, but can satisfy his family through the face of marriage.
A rich woman who cannot satisfy her family. She can take the responsibility of a man who is not outside, a hypocrite who will satisfy her needs. She even takes care of the rest of her life and the money that her husband is missing.
So Attractive. Indeed, men, we change yours.
It is not fair and not shocking, a man abstains from a woman for a week without even approaching her. Unless it becomes a necessity, and then even if the woman does not care about the man. Because Some Women Don't Care About Men.
But only if a man's wife clearly shows her interest in him. He should change the structure of His House.
May God protect our wives completely.
God is Omniscient.
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