zaku iya dubawa akasan wanga bayanin zakuga inda zaku
Aslm malam son of God I want information on traditional blood
And why should a man treat his wives when they are menstruating?
Well, it's Normal Blood, It's Called Natural Blood. Because every woman is accustomed to it from her childhood, to her teens. And Normal Blood is a Blood that flows from a woman's vagina once a month.
And it depends on the time of His arrival. The Moon Comes To Women At The Beginning Of The Moon, The Moon In The Middle Of The Moon, And The Moon At The End Of The Moon. Therefore, whoever comes to her body twice a month or more, one of them is Normal Blood. Others are called BLOOD DISEASES. It is also the blood of disease, it has no punishment in Islam. However, a woman should seek medical treatment to abstain from sexual intercourse.
Menstrual Blood Only Comes to a Woman once a Month However, the Moon may not have seen this Blood for more than one month. Another sees this Blood twice a year. That is, after six months the blood comes to the woman. It depends on how God predestined every woman in relation to this Natural Blood for women.
Menstrual bleeding usually stops in a woman, as a result of the illness she is having. Possibly aware of this Illness or not aware of it.
This blood has a precedent in Islam. That is, a woman should not pray, nor should she fast. Exactly When This Blood Comes To Women. Until He lifts her up. Then she will make up for the fast she did not make. But she will not repay the prayer. According to Nana Aisha, may God be pleased with her. WE ARE COMMANDED TO PERFORM FASTING, BUT WE ARE NOT COMMANDED TO PERFORM PRAYER. It means that the one who commands them in this matter of retaliating for fasting, apart from retaliating for prayers, is the Messenger of Allah (saw).
Then the husband will not meet his wife. At the same time as this normal blood flow. Until she gets cleansed after His Transfiguration. Unless he can hug his wife, they will play games between them that will satisfy everyone. But he would not meet her at this time of Normal Blood.
Ummuna Aisha May Allah be pleased with her. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded her to move, that is, to put clothes from my navel to my thighs. THEN HE HELPED HER.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was also told about the Jewish and Christian tradition of dealing with women during menstruation. According to SUCCESS, they have sex with their wives at the same time. JEWS And They Abstain From Women At Normal Time. They do not eat with her, they do not share the same shade or the same room, and no one can talk to her. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to his companions, 'DO EVERYTHING WITH YOUR WIVES (when they are menstruating) BUT NOT SEX WITH THEM.
Then the Messenger of Allah (saw) showed us that. Absolutely not. Just as the Jews treat their wives. And we will not meet them in the same way that SUCCESSES meet their wives during Menstruation. But we will always deal with them. It was also narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to rest his head on Nana Aisha's lap and recite the Qur'aan while she was menstruating.
Therefore, anyone who meets his wife at the Right Time is Normal. He became like a BANASARE. The same goes for Zalika if he abstains from her completely. Not Talking Games, or Not Considering Her Food. etc. Here again we say this man is like a JEW. Because of their Morals and Culture.
And whoever meets his wife Knowingly. At the Right Time It is Normal. If He Is Rich Scholars Say, He Will Donate A Large Amount Of Money. If they are poor. He will also donate this amount of money to him.
That's right. Normal woman. It must be clean and tidy and keep this blood odor. By Frequent Purification. So Clean Her Body. And deliverance from all uncleanness.
In the same way, if a woman completes her menstrual cycle, during the day, she should take a bath and make up the daily prayers (noon and afternoon). She will perform the night prayers (Maghrib and 'Isha'). If it is safe, even in the morning, it will break the dawn prayer.
Normal to Read
The Qur'an. Despite the fact that there are differences of opinion among the scholars.
Some said she would read, others said she would not read. Only the supplications mentioned in the Quran can do it.
Some say. However, she will not read this Prayer and this Version. Except filter ALLAHUMMA RABBANAG FIR LANA SINSANA WAKINA AXABAN NAR.
That is, you should include GOD. Then she changed the way her words appear in the Quran.
However, some scholars say. There is no evidence in the Quran or Hadith that a woman should not take the Qur'an. Nor will she recite the Quran.
This verse has been established by some scholars as LA YA MASSUHU ILLAL MUDAHHARUN. That is, no one can touch it or touch it, except the Holy One. This verse does not refer to the Quran. And it's not about people.
And some scholars think that if a woman is in a state of menstruation, she will consider the Qur'an as a DIFFICULTY and not the whole of the Qur'an. They also have no proof of this. For the sake of the Quran, or one verse you take. It is as if you took the Quran. If you despise one verse. It is as if you are insulting the Quran.
Therefore, the origin of the verse on which they base their argument is the prohibition of taking the Qur'an. She is referring to LAHUL MAHFOOZ. Not the Qur'an, and it refers to the angels. Not People. This is the most effective statement.
That's why. A woman will take the Qur'an when she is menstruating as mentioned by the most authentic scholars. However, she who is in a state of impurity will not be able to take the Quran. Sabida can save herself whenever she goes. In other words, she can take a bath, this genitals are gone from her body. But a menstruating woman does not have to take a bath. Until she waited for that blood to take over.
This is all about the previous teachers. They are in the Scriptures. For those who are a little skeptic you will encounter the following information I have provided.
I will summarize here. So if I say I will talk about this issue, we will do it for a long time. The reader can also get tired of reading. But for the Students of Education they will not get tired.
God is Aware.
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