Yauma kamar kullin munkawomaku shu uma 45 46 India hausa fassara alhusain

He is the kind of man a woman should marry according to Islamic law.
This is a very important question.
That is, it is obligatory for a man or a woman when they get married. Make sure the person you are going to marry is in order to have a good family and to have lasting peace.
Yes, when a woman gets married. Here she must look for the man she is going to marry or the man who has come to her. Do not look at the wealth of his wealth. He must fulfill certain conditions that a woman is certain if she marries him they will have lasting peace. Despite the fact that there are differences between them. This And Inevitably But Only If Such A Man Is Found. Contradictions Will Not Be A Problem.
Meaning it is good to prove That, This Man has,
Accept Excuses Anytime.
He Loves You Between Him and God, Not About Anything You Have. Or does he just not pay attention when you tell him something to do?
It's just that you don't like it. For Marriage Only Love.
He must be a theologian anyway.
It must have something that can hold you and all that you have in the future with him.
Become a Mindful. Not Crazy. Unless the one who is going to Aura is also Sick.
He must be a Destroyer. Prohibition of Eating.
It is the duty of the wife to respect the dignity of the woman. Because a Man Does Not Care About a Woman.
.Then it is necessary for him to have respect for the next one. Who Even Something Happened. When Adults Are Told, Speak Up. Meaning it will fix.
He must be free from arrogance.
He must be trustworthy.
He must be able to maintain your trust.
God willing, I can see that they are sufficient. when these Things are looked at. Although I did not bring them all here. This will bring peace and prosperity to Dayyiba's descendants.
Therefore, in this day and age, every woman should be careful about who becomes the father of her children.
God is Aware.
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