Macijiya India Hansa fassarar 2021

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 as salamu alekum yan owa barka dazuwa shafin tanimu1 tv 

insha allah yau zamu gwada maki yanda zaku kalli shirin macikiya 1 2 india hausa 2021

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 Their verdict is.  They have all committed adultery.

 And she will not marry.  Unless she finishes this iddar she is doing.  Then there is the Idda of Istibra'i of one blood.  Consequences of this Gold Gold offer.  That is the second Idda.

 Then they will hasten their repentance to Allah and they will never again commit this adultery.  Only on this condition will God accept their repentance.  And when they love each other, they get married.

 God is Omniscient.



 Assalamu alaikum my question is if a person goes to another city to study, will he fail or will he stay for a few days, or will he just continue to perform the prayers?  We thank God for the reward.



 Mr. Usimin said.  If one knows the Day of Resurrection.  It will last for three days.  He then proceeded to complete the prayer.

 If he himself does not know the Day of Resurrection.  He will lose until he returns home.  Because in that case he is doing it as a Traveler.  As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) spent one month and ten days on his journey, he and his companions were defeated.

 However, Ibn Hazmin Azzahiriy, seeing that there is no reason for a traveler to complete the Prayer.  Sabida Hadith of Ummuna Aisha.  In the beginning of Islam, each prayer was two units.  Later, the noon, afternoon and evening units were reduced to four units, the evening unit was reduced to three units, and the morning unit was reduced to two units.  Two units were left for the traveler.

 That's why they say if you add more than two units.  Your Prayers Are Not Accepted.  According to the Hadith, the noon unit is four units.  According to the hadith, the journey of the traveler is two units.

 And then they said.  The hadith of the Holy Prophet (S) is never narrated that he never performed the prayer while he was traveling.

 So I understand it.  It will not

 Yiwu Mutum Yana Halin Tafiya ya Cika sallah ba. Tinda manzon Allah saw bai taba Cika Sallah yana halin Tafiya Ba. Har sai idan ya dawo Gida ne yake Cika sallah.

Allah Shine Masani.



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