ASSALAMU alekum yan owa barka da zuwa shafin TANIMU1 TV
insha allah yauma kamar kullin munkawomaku wani saban WhatsApp wanda nasan zakuji dadin shi sosai

Son of God, if you enjoyed WhatsApp leprosy to your WhatsApp group or Facebook group so that everyone can benefit from it, thank you very much. Please join us on your TANIMU1 TV channel.
Honestly, Allah tested me with a playful attitude in front of me when I was interested in a particular thing
Today is your second birthday
I tried to stop feeling sorry for one day and two days to return
Malam a kalan advice zakaban ngd.
The advice is to get married. Prophet Mohammad (SAS) used to gather young men in Madinah. He told them EVERYONE WHO HAS THE POWER TO HOLD A WOMAN, THEN GET MARRIED. BECAUSE MARRIAGE IS A PROTECTION OR PROTECTION (from committing adultery).
That's why I trained you to get married. Find the Right Wife for Yourself. Because What You Are Doing Is Called ISTIMNAI In Arabic And English And It Is Called MUSTAVASION, And Religious Scholars Call It Gold Hand.
Therefore, Kenan, this will cause you a lot of problems. Like ...
1. It will make your face look smaller like that of small children. Even later if you get married. You Can't Fill A Woman. Because the nerves in your forehead will release. They Will Have Dysfunction.
2. It will take away from you the Power of Desire that God created you on. You will become a Woman with no Desire. Manage your own desires.
3. You will receive a Quick Release. Meaning Fast Delivery. If You Are Married You Can't Satisfy Your Wife. Because Immediately you bring, or Three Second You can not do. Then And Finish. Because You Can't Go Back To Your Wife.
In the case of the Ansa Man and the Second Return some even up to the Third.
According to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that if one of you pays his dues to his wife, then he intends to go back a second time. HE SHOULD HAVE ABLUTION AFTER THE FIRST TIME, BEFORE HE RETURNED TWO. The teachers said. So it makes a man happy. Try and See. You will prove it Insha Allah.
4. Impaired Semen Will Freeze You in Your Stomach. This is how you treat Mara. Because This Sperm Comes Out Right When You Are Exercising To Satisfy Your Own Needs. does not Exit completely. And He will not return to the place from which He was created. That's why. It Will Hold You Back. So it will give you problems, not small ones.
5. What You Do What Scholars Call GOLD. How are you?
Anyone who is accustomed to committing such an act is subject to the following Problems and Mention. So Kenan, you Stand up will not get married. Until He Found Us, We Gave Him Some Remedies To Treat This Freezing Sperm, Who To Repair His Nerves, Who To Boost His Power And Who To Restore His Sexual Strength. On the contrary, it is only after marriage that one can prove these things and list them.
So if you do not go far. So hurry up and stop. It is the best thing for you. Tin Before You Find Yourself With These Problems I Brought.
God is Aware.
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